This info is from the Consumer Bill of Rights page, on the Texas Dept of Insurance website.
USE OF CLAIMS HISTORY TO NONRENEW. Your insurance company cannot use claims you filed as a basis to non-renew your policy unless:
- you file three or more claims in any 3-year period; and
- your insurer notified you in writing after the second claim that filing a third claim could result in non-renewal of your policy.
In determining the number of claims filed, your insurance company cannot include:
- claims for damage from natural causes, including weather-related damage;
- appliance-related claims where the repairs have been inspected and certified; or
- claims filed but not paid or payable under the policy.
NOTE: An insurance company can count appliance-related claims if 3 or more such claims are filed and paid within a 3-year period.
28. SETTLEMENT OFFER. You have the right to reject any settlement amount, including any unfair valuation, offered by the insurance company. You have the right to have your home repaired by the repair person of your choice.
29. EXPLANATION OF CLAIM DENIAL. Your insurance company must tell you in writing why your claim or part of your claim was denied.